The best offers for buying and selling used furniture in Saudi Arabia!

We offer you a safe service with fair pricing for all types of used furniture

We buy and sell used furniture at the best prices!

Fast service - free evaluation - competitive prices throughout the Kingdom

Buying used home appliances

Buying used electrical appliances, including screens,   Refrigerators, stoves,...

Buying used office furniture

Buying used office furniture. We buy all used office furniture.In Saudi Arabia a...

Purchase used restaurant equipment

Purchase used restaurant equipment We are keen to provide technicians specializ...

Buying used Air

Buying used air conditioners There are many types of air conditioners that we ar...

Buying used bedrooms

Buying used bedrooms If you are looking for an economical and smart way to buy a...

Buy used kitchens

Buying used kitchens, which include many different materials, Such as wood kitch...

Why choose Kayan Company in Saudi Arabia?

10 years experience

Buying used furniture in Saudi Arabia. Kyan is considered one of the most prominent companies specialized in buying used furniture and used electrical appliances. We offer a purchasing service (air conditioners, bedrooms, kitchens, sofas, restaurant equipment, office furniture) at the best prices.

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10 Years Of Experience

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We offer you, dear customer, many of the services you are looking for everywhere in Saudi Arabia

You can learn about what Kayan offers now.

Speed ​​of communication

Kayan provides the best customer service. It operates 24 hours a day, takes sufficient customer data to reach him as quickly as possible, and our team goes directly to the customer at the agreed upon date. We are distinguished by our immediate response speed.

Best prices

Kayan offers its services at the best prices in Saudi Arabia. We have the best technicians specialized in evaluating furniture with the utmost honesty and credibility. Therefore, there is no need to worry, you will get the highest financial return on furniture. Hurry up and get in touch now.

Trained workers

We have the best trained workers who are characterized by high precision. In work, commitment and complete credibility, in the fastest time without wasting the time of our valued customers. We are distinguished by our commitment to the agreed upon date.



Completed Projects


Happy Customers




Positive Reviews
Client’s Say


"<strong>The service was excellent, and the team was professional and friendly. My used furniture was purchased at a great price with no hassle at all."</strong> – Sarah Al-Sawy"

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Sarah Al-Sawy


"<p><span style="font-size:12px;">The best company you have, commitment to deadlines and fair prices. I recommend all of you want to sell used furniture easily." - Muhammad  </span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px;font-family:inherit;">sales manager</span></p> <p><br /></p>"

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Abu Muhammad Al-Aziz

sales manager

"<p>Kayan Company provided us with a unique experience in that he was fair and his sales method was really smooth</p><p>Engineer Ahmed Salah</p>"

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Ahmed Salah

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